Table of Contents Volume 1, 2008

Algorithms ISSN 1999-4893, published online

Issue 1 (September 2008) pages 1-42

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Open Access
Kazuo Iwama
School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan; Tel. (+81) 75 753 5372; Fax. (+81) 75 753 5972; E-mail: [email protected];
Received: 28 August 2008 / Published: 4 September 2008
Editor's Foreword
Algorithms 2008, 1, 1 (PDF format, 18 K); DOI: 10.3390/a1010001

Open Access
Andreas Wiese 1,* and Evangelos Kranakis 2
1 Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Mathematik, Straße des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin, Germany
2 School of Computer Science, Carleton University 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6, Canada
Research supported in part by NSERC and MITACS grants. E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Received: 15 August 2008 / Accepted: 4 September 2008 / Published: 12 September 2008
Article: Impact of Locality on Location Aware Unit Disk Graphs
Algorithms 2008, 1, 2-29 (PDF format, 276 K); DOI: 10.3390/a1010002

Open Access
Wolfgang Bein 1,*,+ Kazuo Iwama 2 and Jun Kawahara 2
1 Center for the Advanced Study of Algorithms, School of Computer Science, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada 89154, USA
2 School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
+ Research done while visiting Kyoto University as Kyoto University Visiting Professor.
Received: 13 August 2008 / Accepted: 18 September 2008 / Published: 19 September 2008
Article: Randomized Competitive Analysis for Two Server Problems
Algorithms 2008, 1, 30-42 (PDF format, 231 K); DOI: 10.3390/a1010030

Issue 2 (December 2008) pages 43-
MDPI launched a new publication platform at
Planned Papers

Open Access
Manuscript ID: algorithms-20080916-Lancia-it
Mathematical Programming in Computational Biology: An Annotated Bibliography
Author: Giuseppe Lancia
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, University of Udine, Viale delle Scienze 206, 33100 UDINE, Italy
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: The field of computational biology has experienced a tremendous growth in the past 15 years. In this bibliography, we survey some of the most significant contributions that were made to the field and which employ mathematical programming techniques, while giving a broad overview of application areas of modern computational molecular biology. The areas include sequence analysis,  microarrays, protein structure and function, haplotyping and evolutionary distances.

Open Access
Manuscript ID: algorithms-20081016-Gelles-il
Security of the Bennett-Brassard Quantum Key Distribution Protocol against Collective Attacks
Authors (alphabetic order): Michel Boyer, Ran Gelles and Tal Mor
CS Department, Technion, Israel
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: The theoretical Quantum Key-Distribution scheme of Bennett and Brassard
(BB84) has been proven secure against very strong attacks including the collective attacks
and the joint attacks. Though the latter are the most general attacks, collective attacks are
much easier to analyze, yet, they are conjectured to be as informative to the eavesdropper.
Thus, collective attacks are likely to be useful in the analysis of many theoretical and practical
schemes that are still lacking a proof of security, including practical BB84 schemes.
We show how powerful tools developed in previous works for proving security against the
joint attack, are simplified when applied to the security of BB84 against collective attacks
whilst providing the same bounds on leaked information and the same error threshold.
Open Access
Article: A FCT Technique for the Numerical Simulation of Wave Propagation in Solids with Unstructured Meshes
Authors: Stefano Mariani, R. Martini and A. Ghisi
E-mail: [email protected]

Open Access
Manuscript ID: algorithms-20080807-Bergadano-it
Article:  A Novel Block-based Watermarking Scheme Using SVD Transform
Authors: Francesco Bergadano and Alessandro Basso

Open Access
Manuscript ID: algorithms-20080808-Busch-us
Article: A Link Reversal Approach to Distributed Algorithms in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Authors: Costas Busch and Srikanta Tirthapura
E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: We present a unified approach to the fundamental problems of leader election, spanning tree maintenance, and routing in mobile ad hoc networks. We give a distributed and local algorithm for solving these problems based on the link reversal technique. Our algorithm is self-stabilizing and deals with arbitrary topological changes, including partitions which divide the network into disjoint connected components. For any connected component with n nodes, the network stabilizes in O(n) operations per node and in O(n2) time steps. To our knowledge, this is the first link reversal based algorithm which can converge in the presence of network partitions and also has a complete formal analysis.

Open Access
Article: A PTAS For The k-Consensus Structures Problem Under Squared Euclidean Distance
Authors: Shuai Cheng Li, Yen Kaow Ng, and Louxin Zhang
David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo ON N2L 3G1 Canada.
Department of Computer Science and Communication Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 819-0395, Japan.
Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117543.
E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Open Access
Manuscript ID: Algorithms-20080831-jia-cn
Authors: Zhen Jia, Arjuna Balasuriya and Subhash Challa
Title: Autonomous Vehicles Navigation with Visual Target Tracking: Technical Approaches
This paper surveys the developments of the last 10 years in the area of vision based target tracking for autonomous vehicles navigation. First, the motivations and applications of using vision based target tracking for autonomous vehicles navigation are presented in the introduction section. It can be concluded that it is very necessary to develop robust visual target tracking based navigation algorithms for the broad applications of autonomous vehicles. Then this paper reviews the recent techniques in three different categories: vision based target tracking for the applications of land, underwater and aerial vehicles navigation. Next the increasing trends of using data fusion for visual target tracking based autonomous vehicles navigation are discussed. It can be seen that through data fusion the tracking performance is improved and becomes more robust. Based on the reviews, the remaining research challenges are summarized and future research directions are investigated.

Open Access
Authors: S.Paloscia, P.Pampaloni, S.Pettinato, E.Santi
Title: Retrieval algorithms for estimating soil moisture and vegetation biomass from satellite microwave images
Abstract: to be added soon

Open Access
Authors: Wendong Xiao, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore; Lihua Xie, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Sen Zhang, National University of Singapore; Frank L. Lewis, the University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Title: Energy-Efficient Adaptive Sensor Scheduling for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Abstract: to be added soon

Open Access
Authors: D.J. Moreau, B.S. Cazzolato and A.C. Zander
Title: A Review of Virtual Sensing Algorithms for Active Noise Control
Abstract: Traditional local active noise control systems minimise the measured acoustic pressure to generate a zone of quiet at the physical error sensor location. The resulting zone of quiet is generally limited in size and this requires that the physical error sensor is placed at the desired location of attenuation, which is often inconvenient. To overcome this, a number of virtual sensing algorithms have been developed for active noise control. Using the physical error signal, these virtual sensing algorithms estimate the error signal at a location that is remote from the physical error sensor, referred to as the virtual location. Instead of minimising the physical error signal, the estimated error signal is minimised with the active noise control system to generate a zone of quiet at the virtual location. This paper will review a number of virtual sensing algorithms developed for active noise control. Additionally, the performance of these virtual sensing algorithms in numerical simulations and in experiments is discussed and compared.

Open Access
Authors: Atsushi Matsuoka and Victoria J. Hill
Title: Deriving phytoplankton light absorption of the Arctic Ocean using ocean color: implications for phytoplanktonic response to ongoing global warming
Abstract: to be added soon

Open Access
Author: Steve Ou
Title: Satellite remote sensing algorithms for cirrus cloud detection and retrieval
Abstract: to be added soon

Open Access
Author: Vladimir Arabadzhi
Abstract: An algorithm of real time suppression of radiation and scattering fields of vibrating smooth closed surface of arbitrary shape body in a liquid is designed and investigated. The range of suppression frequencies permits both small and large wave dimensions of the surface protected. An active control system designed consists of: (a) a subsystem for fast forming of desired distribution of normal oscillatory velocities or displacements (on the basis of pulsed Huigence's sources) and (b) a subsystem for catching and targeting of incident waves on the basis of one level grid of the monopole microphones, embracing the surface protected. The efficiency and stability of control algorithm are considered. The algorithm forms the control signal during the time much smaller than the minimum time scale of the waves to be damped. The algorithm suggested includes logical and nonlinear operations, thus excluding reduction of the control system to some traditional combination of linear electric circuits with steady-state parameters constant in time. This algorithm converts some physical body in liquid into a transparent body relating to some predetermined class of incident waves.      The active control system requires accurate information on its geometry, but need’t  both a prior and current information on the vibroacoustical characteristics of the surface protected which present a vast data amount in practical cases.

Open Access
Authors: Jin Zhang, Si-wang Zhou, Ya-ping Lin, Guang Li
Title: A survey on routing algorithms based on sensor position information in sensor networks
Abstract: to be added soon

Open Access
Author: Dmitry Pozdnyakov
Title: Semi-empirical algorithm for the retrieval of ecology-relevant water constituents in various aquatic environments
Abstract: to be added soon

Open Access
Author: Kuncup Iswandy and Andreas König
Title: Methodology, algorithms, and emerging tool  for automated design of intelligent integrated multisensor systems
Abstract: to be added soon

Open Access
AuthorBenjamin B. Spratling and Daniele Mortari
Title: A Survey on Star Identification Algorithms
Abstract: The author surveys algorithms used in star identification, commonly used in star trackers to determine the attitude of a spacecraft.  Star Trackers are a staple of attitude determination systems for most types of satellites.  The paper covers: (a) lost-in-space algorithms (when no a priori attitude information is available), (b) recursive algorithms (when some a priori attitude information is available), (c) and non-dimensional algorithms (when the star tracker calibration is not well-known).  The performance of selected algorithms and supporting algorithms are compared.

Open Access
Author: Sheng Li, Jianqi Wang, Tian Liu, and Xijing Jing
Title: Wavelet Entropy for Millimeter Wave Conducted Speech Enhancement
Abstract: By means of millimeter wave radar, a new non-air conducted speech detecting method is developed in our laboratory. Since the special attribute of the millimeter wave, this method may extend the traditional speech detecting method to a large extent. However, the additive combined noises which are composed of radar harmonic noise, electrocircuit noise, and ambient noise corrupted the radar speech greatly. This study, therefore, proposed an improved spectrum subtract algorithm, which is based on adaptive detecting voiced and unvoiced section by using wavelet entropy analysis. The results from both simulation and evaluations are also compared to the traditional spectral subtraction algorithm, suggest that this method achieves a better reduction of the whole-frequency noise, as well as musical noise, and yields good speech quality.

Open Access
Author: Gabriel Senay
Title: Modeling Landscape Evapotranspiration by Integrating Land Surface Phenology and a Water Balance Algorithm
Abstract: Existing vegetation water balance models require region- and vegetation-specific parameters to establish water-use patterns using crop coefficients (Kc). The main objective of this study is to present an improved modeling technique called Vegetation ET (VegET) that integrates commonly used water balance algorithms with the remotely sensed Land Surface Phenology (LSP) parameter to conduct operational vegetation water balance modeling at a global scale using readily available data sets. A new modeling approach is presented that integrates water balance algorithms with LSP-based Kc with the primary objective of estimating actual evapotranspiration (ETa) at the spatial resolution of the LSP data set. Daily ETa grids were produced for 2005 and 2006 for the conterminous United States at 5-km resolution. Daily ETa variations were compared to latent heat flux estimates from AmeriFlux sites. The spatial distribution of daily and seasonal ETa depicted the general vegetation water-use patterns in the conterminous United States with good agreement to reported drought incidences. The temporal variation of ETa from the VegET model and point-estimated ETa from AmeriFlux measurements were comparable in both energy- and water-limiting environments with a correlation coefficient (“r”) > 0.71 on a daily basis and “r” > 0.87 for 10-day aggregation periods. The availability of global data sets and the relative ease to set up the model make VegET an ideal tool for operational applications to monitor crop and vegetation performance. Other derivative products of the model such as root zone soil moisture and runoff also have potential uses for estimating large-scale watershed water balance components.
Key words: evapotranspiration, modeling, phenology, land surface, VegET, remote sensing

Open Access
Manuscript ID: algorithms-20080912-Zak-us
Type of the paper: Article
Title: Quantum-inspired Teleportation
Authors: Michail Zak
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

Open Access
Manuscript ID: algorithms-20080912-zhang-cn
Authors Shuo Zhang 1,*, Juhua Pu 1, Zhang Xiong
Title: Fault-tolerant Deployment with Reliable K-connectivity for Sensor Networks
Abstract: Since wireless sensor networks are prone to failure, prolonging their lifetime and
preventing loss of connectivity are significant. Although K-Connectivity- Repair Algorithm
can achieve k-connectivity for sensor networks, it also has shortcoming in the reliability
which is a key to reach multi-connectivity. In this algorithm, output sensors are prone to both
damages from their environment and inner failures such as battery demise. The paper
proposes a novel Reliable K-Connectivity-Repair Algorithm, whose contribution lies in two
aspects. First, add as few as possible nodes to a sensor network such that the resulting network
is k-connected; Second, strong reliability and robustness of communication are in sensor
Wireless Sensor Networks; Fault-tolerant; Deployment; K-Connectivity
Algorithms (ISSN 1999-4893)
Last updated: 17 October 2008
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