The INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM on SENSOR SCIENCE (I3S) 2003 is organized by the Journal SENSORS with the general support of the Molecular Diversity Preservation International foundation (MDPI), based in Basel (Switzerland).

Is specially acknowledged the oustanding assistance of the Ecole Nationale Sup�rieure de Techniques Avanc�es (ENSTA) for providing the conference hall and helping us for the Gala party. ENSTA ranks among the best French "Grandes �coles". It is a higher institution of Education and Research which is keen to provide support to Open Access scientific Journals. More information is available in the ENSTA & the French education system page.

The INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM on SENSOR SCIENCE (I3S) 2004 is planned to be held in Qingdao (China). with the special support of the Ocean University of China. Qinqdao is a nice coastal city and a seaside resort. Qingdao is the only other 2008 Olympics city with Beijing in China.