Communications whether oral presentations or posters presented at the symposium will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers, along with the invited talks, will be published in the Open Access Journal SENSORS ( as a special proceedings issue.

Please submit abstracts online at both and [email protected] The deadline for submission will be 28 February 2004. The special issue of SENSORS devoted to I3S2004 will contain selected papers presented at the conference. Full papers should be submitted to Professor Huangxian Ju, Department of Chemistry, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China, Tel: +86-25-3593593, Fax: +86-25-3593593, Email: [email protected] to be refereed in accordance with the high standards set by the journal. Please indicate clearly that your paper will be submitted to SENSORS for publication. The deadline
for receipt of full papers is 29 May 2004.

Publication Fees Waiver for Top 30% Papers
In order to encourage publication of high quality papers, we will waive publication fees for those papers of high quality or papers from those who published high impact factor papers. Papers in the I3S2004 Proceedings with fees waived will be recommended by the Organizing Committee and finally determined by Professor Huangxian Ju. The open access journal Sensors is funded by publication charges paid by authors and other charge waiver program. Therefore, authors of other accepted papers are asked to donate publication fees which are not included in the registration fee.