MDPI Payment and Wire Transfer Information

Payment by Wire Transfers

Beneficiary's Name: Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI)
Beneficiary's Address: Kandererstrasse 25, CH-4057 Basel, Switzerland
Bank Account Number (Samples Account for MDPI): 4061-877241-51-3
Bank Name: Credit Suisse
Bank Address:

Credit Suisse
Untere Rebgasse 7
Postfach 429
CH-4005 Basel

IBAN: CH79 0483 5087 7241 5100 3
SWIFT code / BIC (Wire Transfer Address): CRESCHZZ 80 A
Clearing number: 4061

Payment by Cheque

Send cheques payable to MDPI to:
MDPI Center
Samples Service
Kandererstrasse 25
CH-4057 Basel