Instructions for Authors

[Submission of Manuscripts] [Manuscript Preparation] [Characterisation of New Compounds] [Referees] [English Corrections] [Copyright Arrangements] [Reprints] [Sample Deposit] [Publication Charges]

All papers submitted for consideration and publication in MolBank (ISSN 1422-8599) will be reviewed, and if accepted, will be edited (format unified). Accepted papers will be published within one week. MolBank is funded  by publication charges paid by authors or their institutions, or through the deposit of one rare sample per paper with the MDPI samples collection.

Submission of Manuscripts

Manuscript Preparation
Characterisation of New Compounds

All new compounds must be convincingly charaterised by appropriate data. This includes a description (e.g. "yellow oil", "colourless crystals", etc.), physicochemical properties (e.g., melting point), elemental analyses and/or high-resolution MS, and as many kinds of spectral data as possible (1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, IR, MS, ...). In addition to the usual listings of spectral data, submission of the original spectra in JCAMP-DX format is encouraged (see below: Supplementary Material Deposit).


Authors should suggest at least three potential referees with the appropriate technical expertise, although the Editors will not necessarily approach them. Their name, addresses, homepage addresses, phone and fax numbers and e-mail addresses should be provided as fully as possible.

English Corrections

This journal is published in English, so it is essential that for proper refereeing and quick publication all manuscripts be submitted in grammatically correct English. For this purpose we ask that non-native English speakers ensure their manuscripts are checked before submitting them for consideration. We suggest that for this purpose your manuscript be revised by an English speaking colleague before submission.

Copyright Arrangements 

If no alternate arrangement concerning copyright has been made with the Publisher: When you submit a paper and the paper is received, your paper will be asigned an unique manuscript ID and you will be asked to transfer copyright. The copyright transfer form should be downloaded, signed, and returned to the indicated Fax number or postal address. This is a prerequisite for publication of your paper in this journal. The manuscript ID should be provided for copyright transfer form.


Reprints may be ordered. Please visit for more information or to place an order.

Supplementary Material Deposit

Sample Deposit and Exchange

Authors are encouraged to register or submit samples of the key compounds and appropriate intermediates (e.g. main reactant and the target product) from each paper to MDPI in Switzerland for deposit and distribution at a reasonable price to help defray the publication costs. Contributions of starting materials, intermediates or other non-commercially available samples are also acceptable. Sample Availability information should be included after the "References and Notes" section of the manuscript, and before the copyright notice. For details, visit: Samples should be sent to
Publication Charges

The acceptance of a paper for  publication is based solely on its scientific merit, as judged by peer review, and is completely independent of the authors' willingness to contribute samples or publication charges to cover the publication costs.
Those authors who have supported our project of deposit of one rare sample per paper through MDPI will be considered to have paid the publication charges "in kind". If samples are not contributed, authors will be asked to defray the publication costs of their papers by payment of page charges. As we encourage publication of long papers (with detailed description of the experiment, full data of the product characterization, etc.) the paper charge for publishing in this journal is CHF 150 per Molbank paper, regardless of its length.

Molbank (ISSN 1422-8599)
Last change: 14 August 2008, Webmaster: [email protected]
© 2008 by Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI), Basel, Switzerland