Dec.20, 1999  Vol.1 No.1 P.2 Copyright ISSN1523-1623

Theoretical study on bond-selective reaction of HOD with H atom*

Xu Hong, Xu Xianzhong, Li Zonghe
(Department of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China)

Received May 2, 1999; Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
*The Chinese version of this paper was published in Chemistry Online (Huaxue Tongbao), 1999, (13): 62.

Abstract The bond-selective reaction HOD and H has been studied with the theory of dynamical properties on reaction path (IRC) in molecular internal coordinates constructed by authors. Compared with the reaction HOH and H that has no bond selectivity and the reaction H2(u=0,1) and OH that has mode selectivity, wK (frequencies orthogonal to IRC) and BKL (coupling constants between breaking bond and the other vibrations) of every reaction in internal coordinates have been obtained. In order to reach the object of bond-selective reaction at certain electron state, the theoretic demands including the vibration frequencies wK of breaking bond and the coupling constants BKL between breaking bond and the vibrations of other bond (bond angle) in the molecules have been obtained, based on the analysis of bond selectivity on each reaction.
Keywords bond-selective reaction, molecular internal coordinates, HOD.

Changing productive rate, controlling the process of chemical reaction and machining molecules at will are goals of chemists. In many chemical reactions, these goals are partly realized by changing outer conditions (such as temperature and pressure) or finding the right catalyzer through iterative experiments. But all of these can only interfere the reaction superficially and can not reach the goal to clip the molecule following our inclinations, to synthesize the material we want.
    The goal of bond-selective reaction is to machine molecule selectively. Vibration excited mode is the only way of molecular dissociation and many chemical reactions. To reach the goal of bond-selective reaction, it is necessary to study the molecular vibrational excited mode. For the life of local-mode vibrational eigenstates is too short to observe easily, it results in difficulties in the progress of bond-selective reaction.
    The reaction between OH and vibrationally excited H2, OH+H2(
u=1)01100244.gif (924 bytes) H2O+H, was studied experimentally at 298 K by R. Zellner and W. Steinert in 1981[1]. They found that the rate constant for the reaction was enhanced a factor of 2 when molecule H2 excited to vibrational mode v=1. A comparison with the rate constant k (u=0) for the ground-state reaction of reaction OH+H2(u=1)01100244.gif (924 bytes) H2O+H R(1) leads to

It shows that the reaction has mode selectivity.
    In 90's, Zare et al. studied the reaction of HOD and H experimentally[2,3]. The reaction has two main passages: one is HOD+H01100244.gif (924 bytes)HO+DH R(2.a),the other is DOH+H01100244.gif (924 bytes) DO+HH R(2.b). They found that the OD:OH ratio is 1.38+0.14 for the reaction H+HOD(0,0,0) (ground-state HOD). In contrast, this ratio is greater than 25:1 (enhanced the product branching ratios OD/OH more than 18 times)for H+HOD(0,0,1) and less than 1:5.8 (enhanced the product branching ratios OH/OD more than 8 times) for H+HOD(1,0,0) . Here (0,0,1) and (1,0,0) denote the O-H and O-D stretch fundamentals respectively. In 1993, Crim et al. studied the reaction of HOD and H in high excited state experimentally[4]. The experiment demonstrated that excitation of the third O-H stretching overtone, 4
uOH, favors breaking the O-H bond with product branching ratio OD:OH>100 and excitation of the fourth O-D stretching overtone, 5uOD, favors breaking the O-D bond with main product OH. All of these indicated that the reaction for HOD and H has bond selectivity.
    A quasiclassical trajectory study of the state-to-state dynamics of H+H2O
01100244.gif (924 bytes) OH+H2 had been done by George C.Schatz et al. in 1984[5]. The work include a detailed study of reagent normal-mode and local-mode excitation effects, and of product state energy partitioning. Their conclusion is that if energy transfer between vibrational modes and between vibration and rotation were neglected, the reaction rate constant of the bond breaking enhanced rapidly when certain of the local-mode is excited. In 1992, D.C.Clary et al. reported the calculations of vibrationally state-selective cross section for the H+HOD 01100244.gif (924 bytes) H2+OD reaction with a quantum-mechanical method[6]. Desheng Wang et al. presented approximate quantum calculations of cumulative reaction probabilities, rotationally averaged cross sections, and branching ratios for the reactions H+H2O01100244.gif (924 bytes)OH+H2 and        using the Walch-Dunning-Schatz-Elgersma potential[7].
    The mass-weighted Cartesians coordinates are used to deal with vibrations in all of the calculations above. Normal-modes of any point along reaction path are expressed in mass-weighted Cartesians coordinates. The physical diagrams of normal modes of polyatomic molecules reaction in mass-weighted Cartesians coordinates are complex, not clear and not easy to understand, which brings limitations to discuss bond-selective reaction. In the calculations above, all of these chemists did not consider the reassignment of excited energy and did not compare the results with experimental data actual. It can not illustrate the situations about transfer of excited bond's energy between vibrational modes in reaction progress.
    To illustrate bond-selective reaction, a set of reaction path theory in internal coordinates is constructed by authors[8]. We'll use the theory to discuss the selectivity of reaction HOD with H atom.

In 1970, Fukui[9] defined that the intrinsic reaction coordinates (IRC) is a spatial curve (R(s)) along the perpendicular line of the potential face's tangential plane which connects the points of reactants, transitional state and products. The reaction coordinates got by this method have no relation with the selection of coordinate systems. It has the properties of short ground return[10] which is constant in the change of internal coordinates.
    The IRC equation in internal coordinates can be expressed as[11]:

where g denotes the gradient vector with ,
R is station vector in internal coordinates, W is station energy.G is represented with elements:

    The relation between 

  and     can be expressed as:

01100243.gif (1338 bytes)

,  where is atom a's displacement vector.

    The physical meaning of the vector   is as follows: Keep all atoms except atom a in their equilibrium positions.   is in the direction along which a given displacement of atom a will produce the greatest increase of .  The magnitude of   is equal to the increase in   produced by unit displacement of the atom in this most effective direction.
    N is a suitable normalization factor; it can be written as:,
    According to IRC equation, the components of motion vector along IRC (LF) in internal coordinates are determined as:
where RL is No L internal coordinate of the system, W is the potential of the system, s is intrinsic reaction coordinate.
    From the IRC equation in molecular internal coordinates, vibrational analysis of the various points along IRC can be done and the energy gradient and force constant matrix can be obtained. To get the vibrational mode orthogonal to IRC, we define operator P:
where P is a 3N-6 dimensional phalanx.
    We define the operator as: . I is a 3N-6 dimension unit matrix.
    When is used to act on force constant matrix in internal coordinates the projected force constant matrix is got:
    With GF equation, it can be obtained[12]:
    Solving the equation (5) can get the vibrational frequency
w K and vibrational vector orthogonal to IRC in internal coordinates.
    In terms of differential geometry principles, major perpendicular vector of IRC curve R(s) defined by Fukui is the differential vector of R(s)'s tangential line, which is the differential vector of the motion vector along IRC:


The curvature of IRC is:.
    So the projected curvature BKF of each vibrational mode LK in internal coordinates can be easily expressed as:
.       (7)
    Apparently, BKF can also be regarded as the coupling constant between the motion vector along IRC and No K vibrational vector orthogonal to IRC in internal coordinates.Similarly, BKL is defined as the coupling constant between each two vibrational vectors orthogonal to IRC:in which, K,L=1
,2,...,3N-7. The finite difference approximation is applied to the solving of the equation of BKL. Finally, we obtained:
    So far ,the expressions of all dynamical properties (LF,LK
,w K,BKF,BKL) on reaction path in internal coordinates have all been obtained, and we will use them to study the bond-selective reaction.

To study the bond-selective reaction    R(2), we studied the dynamical properties of typical mode-selective reaction OH+H2(u=0,1) 01100244.gif (924 bytes) HOH+H R(1) and the reaction has no bond selectivity H2O+H 01100244.gif (924 bytes) HO+HH R(3) in molecular internal coordinates at the same time. The molecular internal coordinate system of these reactions is defined as figure 1:
Fig.1 The molecular internal coordinate system of three reactions R(1),R(2) and R(3)

where r12, r23, r34 are bond lengths, a1, a2 are bond angles, B is dihedral angle (planes 123-234). The molecular internal coordinates are:

where R1,R2,R3 are internal coordinates of the unreacted bond, the breaking bond and the forming bond respectively, R4,R5 are internal coordinates of bond angles in reaction and R6 is internal coordinate of dihedral angle.
    Based on BERNY energy gradient method (at UHF/6-31G** level), the geometries of reactants, transition state and products in the reaction were optimized, and the vibrational analysis of the transition state has been done, using computer programs Gaussian 94.Then starting off from the transition state with GAMESS, based on MOROKUMA numerical analysis method, the intrinsic reaction coordinates (IRC) is obtained. Later, according to the IRC equation based on the theory of reaction path in internal coordinates, LF (motion vector along IRC), P (projection operator), FP (projected force constant matrix) can all be gained. Both vibrational vectors and vibrational frequencies orthogonal to IRC in internal coordinates are obtained by solving the eigenequation . The coupling constants BKL are calculated by using the equation (8).

Fig. 2(a),(b),(c) give the change of harmonic frequencies along reaction coordinates in molecular internal coordinates of the three reactions R(3\1) ,R(2.a) ,R(2.b). Here Q1 is the change of stretch vibration of unreacted bond (OH or OD); Q2 is the change of stretch vibration of reacting bond (OH or OD); Q3 is the change of stretch vibration of forming bond (HH or DH); Q4 is the change of bend vibration of wpe3E.gif (852 bytes)Image46.gif (850 bytes)1(wpe3E.gif (852 bytes)HOH or wpe3E.gif (852 bytes)HOD);Q5 is the change of bend vibration ofwpe3E.gif (852 bytes)Image46.gif (850 bytes)2(wpe3E.gif (852 bytes)OH(D)H); Q6 is the change of out-of-plane (B) vibration of the reaction system..

    Figure 2 shows that the frequencies of vibrational mode Q1 change little in these reactions. It indicates that Q1 hardly take part in reactions. The frequencies of Q2 and Q3 change greatly in the process of the reaction. It reflects the breaking process of the reacting bond and the forming process of the bond HH(D). The change of Q4 shows the disappearing process of wpe3E.gif (852 bytes)Image46.gif (850 bytes)1(wpe3E.gif (852 bytes)HOH or wpe3E.gif (852 bytes)HOD). Q5 and Q6 represent the forming and disappearing process of wpe3E.gif (852 bytes)Image46.gif (850 bytes)2( wpe3E.gif (852 bytes)OH(D)H ) and the reaction plane (B) respectively. Apparently all of these are reasonable.
    Seen from reverse direction, the Figure 2 (a) shows the change of vibrational mode of reaction OH+H2
01100244.gif (924 bytes) HOH+H. It is reasonable apparently too.
    Observing Figure 2 . (a)
,(b),(c) we can find that the obvious difference among the bond-selective reactions R(2) and R(3) with no bond selectivity is the margin between vibrational frequencies of unreacted bond and reacting bond of reaction. The margin of R(2.a) and R(2.b) is nearly 1000cm-1, while the vibrational frequencies of R(3)'s unreacted bond and reacting bond are almost equal (the margin is only about 100 cm-1). The vibrational frequencies margin between bond OH and OD is big, thus results in that the respective excited state can be made easily in the reaction of R(2.a) and R(2.b). However, in the reaction R(3), to excite one predetermined bond OH by laser is notoriously difficult, it brings difficulties to the preparation of local-mode high vibrationally excited eigenstates.




Fig.3 (a) Plots of coupling constants between vibrational mode of breaking bond orthogonal to IRC and others vibrational modes BKL vs. reaction coordinate s of reaction R(3\1) (HOH+H 01100244.gif (924 bytes)HO+HH)
(b) Plots of coupling constants between vibrational mode of breaking bond orthogonal to IRC and others vibrational modes BKL vs. reaction coordinate s of reaction R(2.a)(HOD+H
01100244.gif (924 bytes)HO+DH)
(c) Plots of coupling constants between vibrational mode of breaking bond orthogonal to IRC and others vibrational modes BKL vs. reaction coordinate s of reaction R(2.b)(DOH+H
01100244.gif (924 bytes)DO+HH)

    Figure 3. (a),(b),(c) give the mutative curve of coupling constants BKL between breaking bond and the inner molecular bond (bond angle) or the breaking bond and intermolecular (interatomic) bond (bond angle) of the reaction in molecular internal coordinates. Here B12 is the coupling between internal coordinates R1 and R2, representing unreacted bond (D)H1O2's stretch vibration and reacting bond O2H(D)3's stretch vibration respectively; B23 is the coupling constants between internal coordinates R2 and R3, representing the stretch vibration of the breaking bond O2H(D)3 and the stretch vibration of forming bond H(D)3H4; B24 is the coupling constants between internal coordinates R2 and R4, representing the stretch vibration of breaking bond O2H(D)3 and the bend vibration of bond angle 1; B25 is the coupling constants between internal coordinates R2 and R5, representing the stretch vibration of breaking bond O2H(D)3 and the bend vibration of bond angle 2. The coupling constants B12 and B24 are inner molecular coupling constants and B23,B25 are intermolecular coupling constants.
    In these two kinds of coupling, the greater the coupling between breaking bond and inner molecular bond (bond angle) is, the more it does harm to the reaction; the greater the coupling between breaking bond and intermolecular (interatomic) bond (bond angle) of the reaction is, the more it is conducive to the process of the reaction. The exist of the inner molecular coupling results in that the excited energy transfer to other bonds, not retaining on the excited bond solely, especially when laser is used to excite the breaking bond. The greater the coupling is, the more quickly the energy transfer.
    Fig.3 (a)
,(b),(c) show that reactions R(2.a) ,R(2.b) and R(3) all have the coupling between breaking bond and inner molecular bond (bond angle), but there is no coupling between breaking bond H-H (which is the molecule itself) and other inner molecular bond (bond angle) in reaction HO+HH 01100244.gif (924 bytes)HOH+H R(1). The reaction rate will be enhanced 100 times if we excite H2 to one quantum of vibration u=1 in reaction R(1)[1], but the reaction R(2) can not be enhanced equally. The product branching ratio of R(2) is enhanced no more than 18 times[2,3]. In the local-mode reaction at high excited vibrational eigenstates, the exist of the coupling between inner molecular vibrational modes made the action of energy transfer easier. Consequently, the product branching ratio can not be enhanced more than one hundred times by excitation of OH into 4 quanta of vibration u=4OH or excitation of OD into 5 quanta of vibration u=5OD[4].
    The inner molecular coupling divided into two kinds: one is the coupling between breaking bond and inner molecular bond angle such as B24, the other is the coupling between breaking bond and unreacted bond such as B12. Classic transition state theory indicates that the reaction will go on to the products once the transition state is overcome. It can be seen clearly from Fig.3 that B24 are almost same before transition states of the former three reactions, but B12 of them are different greatly. The maximum absolute value of coupling constant B12 is more than 2.00 in the reaction HOH+H
01100244.gif (924 bytes)HO+HH R(3), no more than 0.78 in the reaction HOD+H 01100244.gif (924 bytes) HO+DH R(2.a), is only 0.58 in the reaction DOH+H 01100244.gif (924 bytes) DO+HH R(2.b). According to these, the order of coupling constants that affect bond selectivity of three reactions is B12 R(3) > B12 R(2.a) >B12 R(2.b). It can be deduced that energy transfers quickly to bond H1O2 when bond O2H3 is excited in reaction R(3). Consequently, the energy of reacting bond O2H3 fall down, the reaction has no bond selectivity. When bond OD or bond OH of HOD is excited, the energy transfers slowly for the coupling is little in reaction R(2). So the reaction has bond selectivity. These are consistent with the experimentally qualitative analysis of Bronikowski[2,3] and Zellner[4].

The bond-selective reaction of HOD with H atom has been discussed in this article with the theory of dynamical properties on reaction path (IRC) in molecular internal coordinates constructed by authors. It indicates that in order to break a predetermined bond (bond selective reaction) between an atom or atomic group of certain molecular on one end of predetermined bond and another molecule, atomic or atomic group, to reach the goal of bond-selective by excitation of the chosen bond with laser, these are required on theory:
(1) The bigger the margin between the predetermined bond's vibrational frequency of certain molecule and the ambient bond's (bond angle's) vibrational frequency is, the more benefic it is to the preparation of the bond's local-mode vibrationally excited eigenstates exactly. The margin would be better more than 1000 cm-1.
(2) The smaller the coupling between the predetermined bond and the other inner molecular bond (bond angle) of the molecule is, the more selective the reaction is, especially the coupling between the predetermined bond and the other inner molecular bond. It would be better that the coupling constant is less than 0.7.

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