Jun. 1, 2003  Vol.5 No.6 P.47 Copyright cij17logo.gif (917 bytes)

The conversion dependence of the average mean square radius of gyration for the self-condensing vinyl polymerization

Zhang Shuwen, Ba Xinwu, Han Yinghui, Wang Sujuan, Wang Haijun
(College of Chemistry & Environmental Science, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China)

Abstract By means of kinetic differential equation approach, the mean square radius of gyration of the hyperbranched polymers formed by self-condensing vinyl polymerization was investigated explicitly. Averaged over the molecular weight distribution, the explicit expressions of the number-, weight- and z-average mean square radii of gyration are given as a function of conversion of double bonds, in which the contribution of the unreacted monomers in the hyperbranched polymer systems is included and excluded, respectively. The variation of the average size of the hyperbranched polymers during the self-condensing vinyl polymerization can be predicted to conclude that the weight- and the z-average mean square radii of gyration increase sharply at the end of reaction, which enlarge over ten times as the conversion of double bonds rises from 0.99 to 0.999.
Keywords Hyperbrabched polymer, radius of gyration, self-condensation vinyl polymerization

Hyperbranched polymers have received considerable attention in recent year partly because they do show properties very similar to dendrimers (e.g. high functionality, low viscosity, and so on), which are of particular interest for the utilization in catalysis, supermolecular chemistry and biochemistry, [1] and their syntheses are much simpler than those of dendrimers. [2,3] In 1995 Frechet and co-workers reported a new way of forming hyperbranched polymers based on vinyl monomers and named it as "self-condensation vinyl polymerization"
(SCVP). [4] Since then living cationic,[4] nitroxide-mediated radical, [5] atom transfer radical, [6] and group transfer polymerizations [7] have been applied to the synthesis of hyperbranched polymers. The theoretical description of SCVP leading to hyperbranched polymers was proposed by Muller and Yan to give the molecular weight distribution, the branching density and the other characteristic mean values. [8,9] As it is well known, the physical properties of polymer materials depend crucially on molecular parameters, such as the molecular number distribution, the average molecular weight, the branching density, the mean square end-to-end distance and the mean square radius of gyration and so on. [12-16] The mean square end-to-end distance and the mean square radius of gyration are the two most important values in conformational statistics of polymer chains. For branched or hyperbranched polymer systems, only the mean square radius of gyration is meaningful. From the architecture of a hyperbranched polymer, one can see that the mean square radius of gyration is smaller than that of a linear polymer chain of the same molecular weight due to the branching effect. The mean square radius of gyration can be averaged over the molecular weight distribution to give the average mean square radius of gyration, which increases as the conversion of functional groups or reaction time, and is experimentally. For example, the z-average mean square radius of gyration is generally determined from light scattering experiments. [16] Experimental measurement of the structure functions at small momentum transfer can yield the z-average mean square radius of gyration varying with the conversion of groups or reaction time, and therefore understanding the variation of the average mean square radius of gyration with the conversion or reaction time may help to improve present knowledge about the architecture of the elementary structure and formation kinetic. From the theoretical point of view, there are two methods being used to calculate the average mean square radius of gyration. One is the computer simulation based on the formation kinetic, which is not discussed in detail in this paper. [19, 20] Another is the analytical technique, such as the statistical method, [13, 14] stochastic theory of branching processes, [15] the kinetic approach method [17,18] and so on. It should be point out, to our knowledge, that no analytical technique has been proposed to give the conversion dependence of the average mean square radius of gyration during the self-condensing vinyl polymerization.
    In this paper, we focus our attention on the conversion dependence of the average mean square radius of gyration for hyperbranched polymers systems generated by self-condensing vinyl polymerization. We will first give a brief review of the kinetic differential equation approach and the concentration of n-mer Pn, [8] and then a decomposition formula for the combinatorial coefficient of the concentration of n-mer will be proposed. The statistical interpretation of this formula, which is similar to the argument proposed by Dobson, Gordon [15] and some of the authors [17,18] for the branched polymers, is shown in detail to give the mean square radius of gyration. Finally, we will give the analytical expressions of the number-, weight- and z-average mean square radii of gyration dependence on the conversion of double bonds, in which the contribution of the unreacted monomers in the hyperbranched polymer systems is included and excluded, respectively.

According to the reaction scheme proposed by Muller and Yan, the kinetic differential equation and chemical kinetic equation for self-condensing vinyl polymerization can be given as [8,9]
where Pn is the concentration of n-mers, x is the conversion of double bonds, W0 is initial concentration in the reaction system, and k is the effective rate constant of the reaction. In obtaining above equation, the assumptions of ideal network polymerization were retained, i.e., all functional groups of the same type are equally reactive, all groups react independently, and no intramolecular reactions occur in finite species. With the initial condition , where is Kronecker symbol, the concentrations of n-mers can be derived as [9]
where Cn is the combinatorial coefficient.
    Let us now give a decomposition formula of the combinatorial coefficient Cn. Dividing Eq.(1) by Eq.(2), one can obtain
    Substituting the concentration of the n-mer Pn given by Eq.(3) into Eq.(5), a decomposition formula for the combinatorial coefficient Cn can be given
In order to give the statistical interpretation of Eq.(6) more clearly, we may rewrite it in symmetric form
    For an arbitrary n-mer in the ensemble of molecules, there may be in general (n-1) bonds formed during the polymerization process without consideration of the intramolecular reaction. Considering an arbitrary bond in the n-mer, where the monomers are defined as the mass points for simplicity, there may be two moieties if this bond is imagined to be cut. The number of mass points found in the two moieties of molecule produced by cutting this bond is i and (n-i) respectively. From Eqs.(7) and (8), we see that the term  n-1 on the left side is the number of bonds in a n-mer, and the term D(n.i) on the right side should be the number of bonds whose splitting produces two moieties of i and (n-i) mass points. The summation in Eq.(8) with respect to i gives the total number of bonds in the n-mer.
    Next the mean square radius of gyration for the hyperbranched polymers is calculated with aid of a decomposition formula given by Eq.(7). The square radius of gyration for a hyperbranched polymer consisting of n mass points with fixed conformation is defined as
where ri is the distance of the i-th mass point from the center of gravity of the molecule. A simple argument, proposed by Zimm and Stockmayer leads to the transformation 14
where rij is the distance from the i-th mass point to the j-th one. With cyclic molecules being excluded, there is a unique path of bonds leading from i-th mass point to the j-th one in the n-mer, in which the number of bonds on the path can be varied from 1 to  (n-1). The mean square radius of gyration , which averages the fluctuations in time of due to Brownian motion, can be expressed as
    Using the method proposed by Dobson and Gordon [15], the mean square radius of gyration in Eq.(14) can be reformulated as
where b is the effective bond length. It should be noted that the assumption of all bond lengths in a hyperbranched polymer being equal was taken. The index h in the summation is used to denote the h-th bond in the n-mer. The term and on the right hand side of Eq.(12) are the number of mass points associated with the two moieties which produced by imaginary cutting the h-th bond in the n-mer. The summation runs over all the bonds in the n-mer. As being mentioned above, in Eq.(8) is the number of bonds whose splitting produced moieties of i and (n-i) mass points, respectively. Then the mean square radius of gyration in Eq.(12) can be expressed as
    The summation in Eq.(13) with respect to i means that splitting the n-mer produces two moieties of i and (n-i) mass points, respectively. Since the number of mass points in those two moieties varies from 1 to   (n-1), the summation in Eq.(13) contains all the moieties with different number of units.

For most majority synthesis of hyperbranched polymer systems, many different isomeric structures and a broad molecular weight distribution for hyperbranched polymers are obtained. Therefore only the average statistical parameters, for instance, z-average mean square radius, can be measured by light scattering techniques. [16] In order to calculate the average mean square radii of gyration, the number-, weight- and z-distribution of the hyperbranched polymers was defined as [9]
where are the polymer moments defined as
, ,                         (17)
The first polymer moment is the material balance condition.
    With the aid of the mean square radius of gyration in Eq.(13), the number-, weight- and z-average mean square radii of gyration for hyperbranched polymer systems can be defined as follows
where is defined as
    Substituting the mean square radius of gyration in Eq.(13) and number distribution N(n) in Eq.(14) into Eq.(21), and letting k=2, the quantity can be obtained by means of direct summation
    Unfortunately, the two quantities and cannot be evaluated analytically by means of direct summation. Since the mean square radius of gyration in Eq.(13) is independent of the conversion of double bonds x, we can choose x as a variable to differentiate both the right and left sides of Eq.(21). Letting k=1 yields
Substituting quantity in Eq.(22) into the above equation yields
With the boundary condition for x=0, the quantity is obtained by direct solution of the above differential equation
Consecutively, the quantity can be calculated in the same manner as that of quantity . Since the calculation procedure is straightforward, here we only give the result as follows
Using the above results in Eq.(22), (25), (26) and the polymer moments in Eq.(17), the number-, weight- and z-average mean square radii in Eq.(18)-(20) can be given explicitly
    The results given by Eq.(27)-(29) can be used to predict the variation of the average size of the hyperbranched polymers during the self-condensation vinyl polymerization.

Figure 1. Dependence of the average mean squre radii of gyration on x
¡ö: ¡ñ:¡ø:

Figure 1 shows the numerical calculations of the average mean square radii of gyration as function of conversion of double bonds, x. It can be seen that the average mean square radii of gyration increase much more slowly at the beginning of the reaction, and increase sharply at the end of reaction. The weight- and z-average mean square radii of gyration increase over ten times as the conversion of double bonds rise from 0.99 to 0.999. In fact the average mean square radii of gyration reach infinite when the conversions of double bonds are near the maximum value x=1. The results also show that the number average mean square radius of gyration increases slowly than the weight- and the z-average mean square radii of gyration as the conversion of the double bonds increases, since the former is divergent as the logarithmic function. The hyperbranched polymers can be prepared by polymerization of ABf type monomers, where A and B are two different functional groups capable of reacting with each other, and f is the number of B groups. [2,3] Here we make the comparison between z-average mean square radius of gyration of the hyperbranched polymers obtained from the self-condensation vinyl polymerization with that produced in a polycondensation of AB2 type monomers. The z-average mean square radius of gyration of the hyperbranched polymers formed by AB2 type polycondensation was given as [18]
where y is the conversion of the A groups.
    Figure 2 shows the numerical calculations of the z-average mean square radii of gyration, and , as function of the conversions. It can be seen that the difference between the two quantities is smaller than 1.0% when the conversions is over 0.99. As the conversions are near the maximum value, x=1 and y=1, the two quantities have the same asymptotic behavior.

Figure 2. Dependence of the z-average mean square radii of gyration, and on the conversions
¡ñ: ¡ø:

    In the experimental procedure, the low molecular weight materials, such as residual monomer etc., are usually separated from the polymer systems by precipitation. The number-, weight- and z-distribution of the hyperbranched polymer systems without the unreacted monomers take the forms

where , and are the polymer moments without the unreacted monomers. The number-, weight- and z-average mean square radii of gyration without the unreacted monomers can be evaluated as
With the aid of the number distribution given by Eq.(14) and the polymer moments without the unreacted monomers given by Eq.(34), the average mean square radii of gyration without unreacted monomers can be given as
Furthermore, the contribution of the low molecular weight materials, such as dimer etc., to the average mean square radii can also be calculated without difficulty, and are omitted in the present paper.

From the chemical kinetic equation given by Eq.(2), and branching density definition which is important parameter characterized the topological structure of hyperbranched polymers, [8-10] the conversion of double bonds, x, can be easily derived as a function of the reaction time, or the branching density. The conversion of double bonds, x, as well as reaction time and branching density, can be measured by means of NMR and FTIR and other techniques. [4-7] The z-average mean square radius of gyration is generally determined from light scattering experiments. Thus, our results are convenient to compare with the experimental data since all quantities in the formulas are experimentally accessible.
    The results obtained in the paper were compared with that produced by the polycondensation of AB2 type monomers. The numerical calculations showed that the difference between the two quantities is smaller than 1.0% when the conversions is over 0.99, and the same asymptotic behavior were also given as the conversions are near the maximum value, x=1 and y=1. Although the topological structures of the hyperbranched polymer and dendrimer are similar, but the branching density of the hyperbranched polymer is smaller than that of the dendrimer, where the branching density has the value 1.0 for the latter, so a number of linear units exist inside the hyperbranched polymer skeleton. This means that the molecular weight, as well as the mean square radius of gyration, of the hyperbranched polymers increases without limitation as the conversion of function group increase, and the mean square radius of gyration is larger than that of the dendrimer of the same molecular weight.
    The explicit expressions of the average mean square radii of gyration obtained in this work are based on the assumptions of the statistical ideal network polymerization, which is the basic model used to describe the polymerization process, and may not be fulfilled in reality, [9, 11] and therefore certain deviations are to be expected when comparing with experimental results. The average mean square radii of gyration can be evaluated by means of the computer simulation technique whenever statistical non-ideal network polymerization is taken into consideration.[9, 10, 20] The analytic results in the paper presented an effective way of understanding the physical properties of hyperbranched polymers during coagulations, and can be used to examine whether or not the simulation is correct for a given model.

Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation (20174008) and the Foundation for University Key Teacher by the Ministry of Education (680) of China.

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