International Symposium on Frontiers in Molecular Science 2002

  MDPI   Ocean University   MOLECULES   ISFMS2002 

 HOME  |  Correspondence  |  Contact US  | July 15-18, 2002  Ocean University of Qingdao, China


Theme and Scope

Invited Speakers

Symposium Programs

Final Program

Tour Program


Venue and Accommodation

Social Events

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities

Organizing Committee

Academic Advisory Board

Dates and Other Information


Theme and Scope

To promote cooperation and communication between scientists in the field of molecular science, the organizing committee cordially invites scientists all over the world to participate in the International Symposium on Frontiers in Molecular Science 2002 (ISFMS2002) to be held in the beautiful coastal city Qingdao of P. R. China during July 15 to 18, 2002.

The symposium will bring together the academic and industrial research and development communities in molecular science. Researches in molecular level in the following fields are within the scope of the symposium:

(1). Synthetic chemistry
(2). Physical chemistry and chemical physics
(3). Analytical chemistry
(4). Theoretical and computational chemistry
(5). Pharmaceutical chemistry
(6). Molecular biology, biochemistry and biotech
(7). Agro-chemistry
(8). Functional material and nano science
(9). Environmental science
(10). Molecular and biomolecular informatics
(11). Other related topics.

There will be a public lecture session on the topic of "Science and Society" which will be attended by a general audience including government officials, business leaders and academics.


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Last change: 17 November 2001