International Symposium on Frontiers in Molecular Science 2002

  MDPI   Ocean University   MOLECULES   ISFMS2002 

 HOME  |  Correspondence  |  Contact US  | July 15-18, 2002  Ocean University of Qingdao, China


Theme and Scope

Invited Speakers

Symposium Programs

Final Program

Tour Program


Venue and Accommodation

Social Events

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities

Organizing Committee

Academic Advisory Board

Dates and Other Information



The symposium will be held in Qingdao, the beautiful coastal city of Shandong province, in eastern China. The Ocean University of Qingdao, which is especially renowned for its marine and fishery sciences, is one of the key comprehensive universities under the direct jurisdiction of the State Education Ministry of China. 

The average temperature in July in Qingdao is about 25 oC (roughly 75 oF) and a humidity of 70% is expected. There are flights and railway services from Qingdao to most of the big cities in China. Overseas participants may transfer at Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Japan or Korea where you can find direct flights to Qingdao.


The symposium will be held at a hotel in Qingdao. Arrangement for accommodation can be made through the Symposium Secretariat or by direct reservation. Please select the Preferred Rate in the REGISTRATION FORM. Detailed information about the accommodation will be announced in the Second Circular. 


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